EOI Space’s very own Hall Effect Thruster
We are thrilled to kick off the first installment in our blog series highlighting accomplishments at EOI Space. We’ll be starting with our patented propulsion system, which is proving to be a critical component of VLEO operations. EOI Space’s Very Low Earth Orbit (VLEO) high resolution system will deliver 15cm (pan and multi-spectral) optical imagery, on board compute, and integrated ground systems with best in breed commercial software as well as customers private delivery systems.
We start this series with a report from SmallSat 2024. Our colleagues at Georgia Tech HPEPL (High Power Electric Propulsion Laboratory) presented a “Characterization and Far-Field Plume Analysis” of EOI’s 3rd Generation Hall Effect Thruster (HET). Not to steal the thunder from the presentation but the bottom-line is our 3rd Generation thruster is market competitive allowing us to face the challenges of VLEO atmospheric drag without relying on propulsion industry supply chain.
EOI is now on our 6th generation inhouse built thruster that is specifically designed for the VLEO environment enabling our Stingray satellites to operate in a 250km altitude, VLEO orbit for 5 years without refueling. Additionally, EOI’s unique design is engineered with flexibility to operate on various propellants providing purchase trade space for noble gas markets that are volatile.
We hope you find the read below as exciting as we did.
Characterization and Far-Field Plume analysis of the HET-X Hall Effect Thruster
EOI Space has been quiet, but we have been busy. You will find us much louder now. Keep an eye on us and our progress this fall. Follow us on our blog site and on LinkedIn LinkedIn.
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